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Home Alone Wiki

Alice Ribbons was one of four international spies hired to steal a missile cloaking computer chip.


After Petr Beaupre received the missile cloaking chip the group was assigned to steal, Petr instructed Alice to hide the chip in a toy car so airport security could not scan the chip. Once the chip was hidden, the toy car was returned in its box, which in turn was placed in a Parisian Bakery shopping bag as they left for San Francisco Airport.[1]


Alice with her team

At the airport, Alice placed the bag containing the car into an airport scanner. However, while an elderly passenger with a lot of jewelry was being dealt with, another elderly passenger named Greta Hess took the Parisian bag with the toy car by accident, believing it to be her own, which was filled with sourdough bread. Alice realized this when she took Mrs. Hess' bag and felt it, finding the sourdough bread instead of the car.[1]

Alice searched through the Dallas, Miami, New York, and Denver airport lounges, but was unable to find the toy car. After Unger and Jernigan also fail to find the toy car, Petr decided that the car must be on a plane, the next boarding plane being to Chicago.[1]

The four got on the plane to Chicago. There, Alice waited for someone with a bag to reveal the car. Mrs. Hess, who was travelling on an airport buggy, placed her bag down and took off her robe, revealing the car. Alice called out to Beaupre who called out to Jernigan and Unger. The gang tried to follow Mrs. Hess through the airport. Alice discovered Mrs. Hess outside the entrance, going into a cab, but they were too late as she had already left.[1]

After Jernigan snapped a picture of the number on the cab, Alice and the rest of the group went to the cab depot and waited for the cab to show up. After the cab eventually arrived, Unger and Jernigan interrogated the driver and find out that Mrs. Hess lived in North Devon Park, Washington Street in an "old, Tudor-style place with Christmas lights, a reef at the end of the driveway and the driveway is the only one that hasn't been shoveled."[1]

They arrived and Alice checked the houses, saying that all of them were all almost like the cab driver described, after which, Petr decided that they should search them all. Alice got her gang a house in the neighborhood after fooling a realtor with a disguise.[1]

For the next couple of days, the four searched for the toy car. Alice was assigned a dog (despite her hating dogs) stolen from a neighbor. She mainly patrolled the neighborhood along with Unger and Jernigan.[1]

All the while, the four were unaware that they were being watched by neighborhood kid Alex Pruitt. After Alex called the cops and they failed to catch them, Alice wondered what went wrong with the burglar alarm and figureed that there could be a watcher in the neighborhood.[1]

01 Alice on Patrol

Alice, undercover in the neighborhood

The second time around, Alice was jogging with a fake baby in a stroller when she spotted the cops and tells Petr (who was searching another house) to abort the mission.[1]

For the third attempt, Alex used the toy car with a camera taped on the top to catch Petr in the act. It managed to go past the patrolling Alice and Unger. After Petr eventually found the toy car, he summoned Alice and the gang to the house where he was. Alice came up to Petr and asked what happened and he said that a woman was in the house and gave her the toy car before heading back inside. Alice tried to open the toy car to get the chip, but Alex started the car and one of the tires hit her in the chin, leaving skid marks. Alice ran into the house and told Petr that she lost the car, much to his annoyance.[1]

As a chase for the car ensued, Alice hid beneath a bunch of trees and bushes in an alley behind a house. She soon spotted the car heading into a hedge and went after it. She then jumped over the hedge, only to run head-first into Petr in mid-air while he also was pursuing the car in her direction.[1]

The criminals then called it a day and went back to their house. While they were having Chinese food, Alice realized that the person who was controlling the car and who was calling the police was a kid who took matters into his own hands after nobody believed him.[1]

During the night, Alice pretended to be Alex's friend Bradley Clovis's mother and called Mrs. Pruitt about the missing toy car. Before Alex cut off the conversation, his mom told her that he had gotten the car from Mrs. Hess from across the street. Alice proclaimed to her fellow criminals, "We have it" and they prepared to get the car at Alex's house.[1]

The next day, Alice and the stolen dog headed to the house. Alex blew a dog whistle which the dog heard and caused him to go over to the house. Alice activated the fiber optics in her glasses which turned on a camera operated from the thieves' car.[1]

Alice rang the doorbell a few times, but no one answered because Alex had cut the doorbell wire. All the while, Alex went to opposite sides of the house and blew a dog whistle, causing the canine to wrap its leash around Alice's legs. When Alex blew the whistle one last time, the dog ran to the back of the house, dragging Alice through the bushes, knocking off her hat and glasses until she broke free of the leash and the stolen animal ran off. Irritated, Alice went back to get her hat, only for her trousers to rip open. She then asked for assistance for being "exposed," and Jernigan told her to maintain her position and not to draw attention to herself. She put her hat and glasses back on and walked away disgruntled, after which the other criminals picked her up and prepared to come back.[1]

Soon enough, Alice and the others returned to the house. Alice told Unger to block up the street so no one would come in. By chance, Alice and Beaupre met Mrs. Hess, who was walking over to Alex's house. Alice pretended that Beaupre was her husband and told Mrs. Hess that the two of them had just moved into the neighborhood and were waiting for a package to be delivered to their house. They told Mrs. Hess that the delivery driver got confused, took the package to her house, and left it in the garage when nobody answered the door. Alice and Mrs. Hess went into the garage. While Mrs. Hess was looking for the package, Alice closes the garage door and tied Mrs. Hess up with duct tape. While she was doing this, Alice said that Mrs. Hess should've made sure that she had the right package at the airport and she hoped that Mrs. Hess was not fond of Alex. Alice left out the back door which was left open, so that Mrs. Hess would die in the cold.[1]

Alice met up with Beaupre and Unger, who were having trouble with Alex's traps. She poked fun at them and argued with Unger, while Beaupre said that they didn't anticipate the defense Alex planned. After this, Beaupre said that he would go in the front of the house and then told Unger to go to the north side and Alice to go to the south side before wondering where Jernigan was.[1]

Alice walked towards a gate at the south side of the house. She tried to open it, but it was locked. When she tried to open it from the other side, her hand got stuck in a bucket of glue and lost a glove when she pulled it out. She then went over the gate and unsuspectingly jumped into a thick mud pit. Quickly losing her balance, she landed on her knees and triggered a cord which caused a flower pot to fall from the roof and hit her on the head. This caused her to face plant into the thick, sticky mud. Eventually coming to, she got up and tried to walk through the mud, and ended up losing her boots, cap, and other glove. Once again, she lost her balance when she pried her right foot out and as she fell backwards, triggering another cord. This caused another flowerpot to fall on her face, knocking her out for a second time. After regaining consciousness from the hit, she removed the flower pot and rolled over to get herself out of the mud pit.[1]

When she got to the back door, she arrived at the veranda and noticed that Alex may have set a trap for her on the stairs. Realizing this, she swung on the banisters, thinking she had outwitted the kid, but then the banisters split and Alice fell onto the stairs, injuring her back. After getting up and cracking her spine back in place, she somersaulted and back-flipped onto the veranda. Proud of her work, she turned and went to open the door. The floor tilted, however, and hit her in the back of the head before she fell down into the furnace room below. Beaupre heard and went out to the veranda to look for her, but he fell through the floor as well, landing right on top of Alice. In the furnace room, Alice and Beaupre found Jernigan on a toilet. Alice noticed his hair (earlier being cut by a lawnmower) to which she thought he had gotten a haircut. Unger (who had been covered in septic fluid and had his feet caught in two Mega Bloks wagons filled with flooring adhesive) then joined them to investigate upstairs while Beaupre stayed in the basement.[1]

Alice (now wearing new boots), Jernigan, and Unger (who changed clothes) first checked the ground floor to find nothing. Upstairs, Alice noticed Unger opening the locked closet door and mumbled "Idiot" for assuming Alex was hiding in there, unaware that he, in fact, was. Alice and Jernigan checked Molly's bedroom. She thought that someone must be hiding under the blankets, and, not knowing she stepped on a foot air pump connected to a beach ball, she prepared to strike whoever was underneath with Molly's field hockey stick. It turned out to be a monkey doll, however, and Jernigan chuckled at her mistake while Alice told him to shut up. Alice then saw Alex's pet rat Doris sitting on a hole in Jernigan's trousers. She screamed and told Jernigan not to move and keep his voice down. She swung Molly's hockey stick at Doris, who dodged it, causing Alice to hit Jernigan in the groin instead. Alice and Unger were alerted by Alex calling out to Doris but before they got to him, they bumped into one another. Recovering from the hit, Jernigan complained to her, but she retorted that he should change his underwear every now and then to avoid having "rats in his pants."[1]

The three robbers then began to follow Alex to the attic to find out that he was watching them the whole time and he was outside the house with the chip. She, Unger and Jernigan saw a trampoline below, and Alice, assuming Alex got out using it, ordered them to jump onto it so that they could give chase to Alex who had just left the building. Unger and Jernigan landed on the trampoline, but it gave way and they both fell into the freezing swimming pool beneath. A toy robot which Alex left in the basement simultaneously triggered the dumbwaiter to ascend. Alice realized that Alex must have escaped through the dumbwaiter, and she decided to follow. Unbeknownst to her, though, Alex had removed the flooring from underneath the dumbwaiter. Alice opened the door, squeezed herself through the small opening, and tried to sit inside. Realizing her mistake too late, she fell through the shaft. The fall hurt her to the point that she was unable to move. She was later seen scrunched up in a temporary squatting position as she was carried away by the FBI and arrested.[1]

In jail, Alice, now having got the chicken pox from Alex, took her mugshot with the other criminals.[1]


Alice was evil, scheming, and cold-hearted. While the only woman in her group, she was vastly more intelligent, cunning, sadistic, and athletic than either Unger or Jernigan, but still proved to be quite reckless as she was responsible multiple times of allowing Alex to escape only thanks to her actions. She was also very haughty, thinking herself superior to her male cohorts and to Alex. Ultimately, this led her to underestimate Alex and, apart from unwillingly allowing him to escape, to fall for his many traps, exposing herself to be no better than a bumbling idiot.[1]


  • "Oh, my God." (when she noticed she got a loaf of sourdough bread instead of the toy car with the chip)
  • "Come back on that last message." (to Beaupre, after he tells her, Jernigan, and Unger that he found the toy car videotaping him)
  • "It's a kid. It has to be a kid."
  • "The cops come twice, they don't believe him, he takes matters into his own hands. It can't be anything else."
  • "Little boys do have wild imaginations, don't they?"
  • (after bending over and ripping her pants) "I need assistance. I'm exposed!"
  • "You got hit with a book?" (when she sees Unger and Beaupre in pain after they get knocked over by Alex's traps)
  • (after being called "dumb" by Unger) "Excuse me, Mr. Unger, I didn't get taken down by an infant."
  • "You got a haircut?" (to Jernigan after noticing what had happened to his hair)
  • "What stinks?" (to Unger, after she took a whiff of him when he changed his clothes)
  • "Well, if you changed your shorts once in a while, you wouldn't have rats in your pants!" (to Jernigan when he says that she smacked his winky)
  • "Here I come, you little brat - agh!" (when she tries to catch Alex)
  • "Ouch." (last line)


  • Alice is the first female villain in the Home Alone franchise.
  • As said by Stuckey, She and her group have been working for a North Korean terrorist organization.
  • She is the only female on her team.
  • Petr Beaupre is the only character Alice respects; she is also his second-in-command.
  • She looks down on both Unger and Jernigan as inferiors.
  • Though her nationality is not confirmed, she could be considered Russian due to her being in an international team of criminals.
    • The fur hat she wears when she gets dragged by the dog is also commonly worn by Russians.
    • Her name, 'Alice,' is a common female name in Russia.
  • Alice hates animal, evidenced by her hatred of dogs and fear of rodents.
  • She is 5 feet 8 inches tall, and has a lean physique capable of gymnastics.
  • Rya Kihlstedt was 27 years old when she starred as Alice.
    • Rya Kihlstedt was the youngest actress to portray a criminal in the Home Alone franchise, including the male actors.
  • The bucket of glue she sticks her hand into is actually extra-strength flooring adhesive.
  • In the novelization of the film by Todd Strasser, Alice is knocked into the mud by cinder blocks instead of flower pots. Alex Pruitt has the whole scene filmed on camera.
  • Alice appears to be somewhat remorseless and manipulative to a much greater extent than some of the other characters, mainly due to her taking delight in attempting to murder Mrs. Hess and could be a sociopath/psychopath based on her behavioral characteristics.
  • She shares certain characteristics with Marv Murchins.
    • Both are victims of falls and back pain:
      • They fall multiple stories down to the basement. However Alice fell through a hole right in front the backdoor and then through the dumbwaiter shaft, while Marv fell from a just on the inside of the front door two times.
      • They fall hurting their backs, Alice falling on the stairs before the backdoor and Marv always on the hole of the front door, having to pop their back joints after managing to standing up again.
      • Both try to climb on a wooden structure, Marv a ladder and Alice the wooden railing of the stairs, which however had been both partly sawn, causing them to collapse when they applied their weight to it and making the two criminal fall.
      • After one of their painful falls, they both react by comically expressing the pain they feel by it.
    • Both got scared of an animal on their partner and attempted to kill it with a crowbar. In Alice's case, she notices a rat near Burton Jernigan's crotch, while in Marv's case, a spider landed on Harry Lyme's chest.
      • Both said, "Don’t move!" before attempting to hit (and missing) the aforementioned animals, with their partners taking the hit instead.
    • Both, through their recklessness, cause the kid to escape and injure their partner in the process:
      • Marv jumped onto a wooden plank on whose opposite side Harry had also jumped, throwing the latter into the air and dropping him onto a car.
      • Alice tries to reach for Alex, clashing with Unger who was on the verge of catching up to him as well if she hadn't tried to do so. Also, Alice has the far stupid idea of switching on the camera attacked to the car, allowing Alex to make it escape and eventually causing Unger to get hit by Jernigan's car.
  • In the subtitles and closed captions of some DVD and Blu-ray releases of Home Alone 3, Alice's surname is depicted as 'Rivens'.
  • Her actress Rya Kihlstedt and fellow Home Alone 3 actor David Thornton would later appear in two science fiction films released in 1998: the former in Deep Impact, and the latter in Armageddon.
  • Out of all the four, Alice is the only one to be addressed by her first name, while the others were addressed by Mr. Jernigan, Mr. Unger and Mr. Beaupre.


